Monday, 4 April 2011

Space on Tap's Culture for Success

We've been getting some great feedback from our customers - businesses that have space (that we're helping people to find through, as well as homeworkers, freelancers and people who are looking for their perfect places across the region.  

Prompted by our customers, Space on Tap recently entered the Culture for Success Awards 2011, and we're delighted that we've now been shortlisted!  We're looking forward to finding out how we've done in the final countdown this Thursday 7th April at a ceremony taking place at Northern Stage in Newcastle.

Here's a quote from Dr Anne Allen, on behalf of Barnard Castle Vision, who was kind enough to support our application with her feedback on the service we've provided to NeST in Barnard Castle

The Vision Delivery Team have asked me to convey our thanks for the time you have taken to support the new studios and Digital Hub at NeST. We have been impressed by the Space on Tap service (in particular the website service and your use of social media and e-newsletters) and also by your enthusiasm to understand and support the project. The help you’ve shown [the manager] – in giving her ideas about hosting coworking days and promoting the benefit of networking, laptop clinics etc has gone beyond what we expected.

As you know NeST is one of several ‘Digital City’ satellites. A £6 million new HUB for digital and creative businesses is now under construction at Redcar. Space on Tap is at the forefront of the thinking and promotion of these new ‘work hubs’ – and office services – virtual office, hotdesking, co-working, shared offices and studios. I value your guidance and references to relevant research and case studies for these flexible workspaces for microbusinesses, homeworkers and companies that permit homeshoring.

Many new and young businesses struggle to understand the benefits of working in a shared office
environment. The Colleagues on Tap days are a brilliant introduction to the benefits of co-working and the advantages of having access to a number of workplaces for people who work across the region.

We have examples already at NeST of businesses who are now working together and others that have won new contracts as a result of the hotdesking membership and workshop activities that have been promoted through Space on Tap.

We wish you every success with the venture and look forward to continuing to work with you.
Dr Anne Allen

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