Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Homeworking survival guide - top tips and how to's

Snowy days like today make you thankful that you work from home.  And, for a few days at least, the homeworking community has been boosted by those who can't, or would prefer not to, travel to their usual place of work.

So we thought it would be useful for 'seasoned homeworkers' to pass on some top tips through our Blog to those having their inaugural homeworking experience.  So, over to you ... The Homeworking survival guide - please leave your top tips and how to's as a comments below.



  1. Try this list. My favourite
    "be grateful you're working from home and not in some cubicle" :/

  2. These are my 3 'top tips':
    1) Set a daily task list and a time to start and finish work
    2) Use Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media tools daily to help you to feel part of the home-working 'community'
    3) Factor in a lunchbreak. Just 15 minutes away from your 'desk' can refresh and help you to re-focus for the remainder of your day!

  3. Although we've had to postpone some meetings this week, here's my top tips:
    1) Don't keep looking out the window at the snow - makes you colder
    2) Stay in touch with the 'outside world' via social media and email
    3) Do one of the those jobs you've been putting off for a while

  4. Working in December with snow drifts piling up against the front door can sometimes be a little isolating. So listen to the local radio while you’re working. Not only will it keep you in touch with the outside world, but you'll feel sorry for all the frustrated motorists stuck in their cars in the snow and very pleased you’re safe, snug (and ever so slightly smug!) working from home.

  5. @harveyandhugo > Hot water bottle! - >> Ooh I knew that Snuggle wrap would come in ...

  6. Target Training Associates give us their top ten work at home survival tips
    Love number 10 - don't feel guilty!!
